With its 23 years of experience, Markalize is one of the leading and trusted brands in many trademark related fields, especially brand name creation, trademark registration, design registration, domain registration and logo design. Through its experienced staff, it provides all kinds of advisory support that will always carry your brand to success and protect it.
It is very important for companies to protect the brand and make the brand trusted by customers. Because customers often prefer to shop from brands that they believe are reliable.
Let us protect your brand with 23 years of experience and difference at Markalize,
In order to protect the trademark and have a reliable identity, the first thing to do is to protect the trademark legally by registering it in the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. But trademark registration alone does not provide protection for your brand. In order to ensure the reliability of the brand, completing the necessary standards by ISIMDER Brand Name Center and obtaining the Trusted Brand Name Certification (GUMİB-TOBNC) will ensure the reliability of your brand.
Trusted Of Brand Name Certificate Standards (GUMIB-TOBNC).
- Obtaining a certificate or requesting registration of the trademark name,
- Logo and corporate identity design
- The existence of an updated and reliable web page belonging to a registered trademark or where the trademark is published,
- Active, functional and updated social media pages or registered brand can be accessed through social media accounts,
- Participate in any advertising and promotional activities such as the Internet, social media, television, magazines, newspapers or exhibitions,
- Trademarks that engage in commercial activities and have references.