Brand Name Finding Criteria

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Brand Name Finding Criteria

Although the brand name may seem like an easy process, its criteria are very sensitive. It should not be oversimplified. Finding a brand name is not a phenomenon independent of other people and concepts, like finding a name for a child. The presence of a brand name can also bring some problems. Because a brand name may conflict with the registered trademarks of other institutions and organizations. It can cause misunderstandings. It can meet negative meanings in foreign languages. For this reason, it may not give the right results to be found with practical applications such as the brand name finding program, on the contrary, it may harm the institutions. Brand names should be chosen carefully and should not be taken lightly. Applications such as the brand name finding game may not lead to the correct result. Creating a brand name is an effort in itself, a field and discipline that requires professionalism. Therefore, brand names should be determined by applying to authorized and competent authorities.