How to apply for a trademark? The application is submitted through a certified patent/trademark expert. If the request is personal, a copy of the ID card is added to the files, and if it is a request in the name of a company, a copy of the tax certificate is added to the files. The application fee is paid. The application is submitted by informing the name of the tax office, tax number and company name. The final result is notified to the applicant after 6 months. Trademark registration can be controlled by clicking on the trademark link located on the TPE website We can give the same answer to the question of how to conduct a trademark registration inquiry. How are trademark registration procedures carried out? How to apply for trademark registration? This is done in the same way as a patent application. If the request is personal, a copy of the ID card is added to the files, and if it is a request in the name of a company, a copy of the tax certificate is added to the files. The application fee is paid. The application is submitted by informing the name of the tax office, tax number and company name. The final result is notified to the applicant after 6 months. How to renew trademark registration? The validity period of a trademark registration is 10 years. At the end of 10 years, the registration period is extended by paying a renewal fee to TPI. The patent application form is filled out by a certified trademark/patent expert and sent to TPI. What is a patent? The process of registering a person who creates a new product that is unknown and has not been manufactured before, in order to protect the rights of production, marketing, sales and licensing, is called a patent.